| master |
cd /etc/yum.repos.d wget http://research.cs.wisc.edu/htcondor/yum/repo.d/htcondor-stable-rhel6.repo
wget http://research.cs.wisc.edu/htcondor/yum/RPM-GPG-KEY-HTCondor
rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-HTCondor
yum install condor.x86_64 master:
########################################################################## condor_config#### This is the global configuration file for condor. This is where## you define where the local config file is. Any settings## made here may potentially be overridden in the local configuration## file. KEEP THAT IN MIND! To double-check that a variable is## getting set from the configuration file that you expect, use## condor_config_val -v#### condor_config.annotated is a more detailed sample config file#### Unless otherwise specified, settings that are commented out show## the defaults that are used if you don't define a value. Settings## that are defined here MUST BE DEFINED since they have no default## value.########################################################################## Where have you installed the bin, sbin and lib condor directories? RELEASE_DIR = /usr## Where is the local condor directory for each host? This is where the local config file(s), logs and## spool/execute directories are located. this is the default for Linux and Unix systems.LOCAL_DIR = /var## Where is the machine-specific local config file for each host?LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE = /etc/condor/condor_config.local## If your configuration is on a shared file system, then this might be a better default#LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE = $(RELEASE_DIR)/etc/$(HOSTNAME).local## If the local config file is not present, is it an error? (WARNING: This is a potential security issue.)REQUIRE_LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE = false## The normal way to do configuration with RPMs is to read all of the## files in a given directory that don't match a regex as configuration files.## Config files are read in lexicographic order.LOCAL_CONFIG_DIR = /etc/condor/config.d#LOCAL_CONFIG_DIR_EXCLUDE_REGEXP = ^((\..*)|(.*~)|(#.*)|(.*\.rpmsave)|(.*\.rpmnew))$## Use a host-based security policy. By default CONDOR_HOST and the local machine will be alloweduse SECURITY : HOST_BASED## To expand your condor pool beyond a single host, set ALLOW_WRITE to match all of the hosts#ALLOW_WRITE = *.cs.wisc.eduALLOW_WRITE = *## FLOCK_FROM defines the machines that grant access to your pool via flocking. (i.e. these machines can join your pool).#FLOCK_FROM =## FLOCK_TO defines the central managers that your schedd will advertise itself to (i.e. these pools will give matches to your schedd).#FLOCK_TO = condor.cs.wisc.edu, cm.example.edu##--------------------------------------------------------------------## Values set by the rpm patch script:##--------------------------------------------------------------------## For Unix machines, the path and file name of the file containing## the pool password for password authentication.#SEC_PASSWORD_FILE = $(LOCAL_DIR)/lib/condor/pool_password## PathnamesRUN = $(LOCAL_DIR)/run/condorLOG = $(LOCAL_DIR)/log/condorLOCK = $(LOCAL_DIR)/lock/condorSPOOL = $(LOCAL_DIR)/lib/condor/spoolEXECUTE = $(LOCAL_DIR)/lib/condor/executeBIN = $(RELEASE_DIR)/binLIB = $(RELEASE_DIR)/lib64/condorINCLUDE = $(RELEASE_DIR)/include/condorSBIN = $(RELEASE_DIR)/sbinLIBEXEC = $(RELEASE_DIR)/libexec/condorSHARE = $(RELEASE_DIR)/share/condorPROCD_ADDRESS = $(RUN)/procd_pipeJAVA_CLASSPATH_DEFAULT = $(SHARE) $(SHARE)/scimark2lib.jar .## What machine is your central manager?CONDOR_HOST = $(FULL_HOSTNAME)#add by similarfaceCOLLECTOR_HOST = $(CONDOR_HOST):9618## This macro determines what daemons the condor_master will start and keep its watchful eyes on.## The list is a comma or space separated list of subsystem namesDAEMON_LIST = COLLECTOR, MASTER, NEGOTIATOR, SCHEDD, STARTD
[root@slave1 ~]# grep -v "^$\|^#" /etc/condor/condor_config RELEASE_DIR = /usrLOCAL_DIR = /varLOCAL_CONFIG_FILE = /etc/condor/condor_config.localREQUIRE_LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE = falseLOCAL_CONFIG_DIR = /etc/condor/config.duse SECURITY : HOST_BASEDALLOW_WRITE = *RUN = $(LOCAL_DIR)/run/condorLOG = $(LOCAL_DIR)/log/condorLOCK = $(LOCAL_DIR)/lock/condorSPOOL = $(LOCAL_DIR)/lib/condor/spoolEXECUTE = $(LOCAL_DIR)/lib/condor/executeBIN = $(RELEASE_DIR)/binLIB = $(RELEASE_DIR)/lib64/condorINCLUDE = $(RELEASE_DIR)/include/condorSBIN = $(RELEASE_DIR)/sbinLIBEXEC = $(RELEASE_DIR)/libexec/condorSHARE = $(RELEASE_DIR)/share/condorPROCD_ADDRESS = $(RUN)/procd_pipeJAVA_CLASSPATH_DEFAULT = $(SHARE) $(SHARE)/scimark2lib.jar .CONDOR_HOST = masterDAEMON_LIST = MASTER, STARTD
[root@slave2 ~]# grep -v "^$\|^#" /etc/condor/condor_config RELEASE_DIR = /usrLOCAL_DIR = /varLOCAL_CONFIG_FILE = /etc/condor/condor_config.localREQUIRE_LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE = falseLOCAL_CONFIG_DIR = /etc/condor/config.duse SECURITY : HOST_BASEDALLOW_WRITE = *RUN = $(LOCAL_DIR)/run/condorLOG = $(LOCAL_DIR)/log/condorLOCK = $(LOCAL_DIR)/lock/condorSPOOL = $(LOCAL_DIR)/lib/condor/spoolEXECUTE = $(LOCAL_DIR)/lib/condor/executeBIN = $(RELEASE_DIR)/binLIB = $(RELEASE_DIR)/lib64/condorINCLUDE = $(RELEASE_DIR)/include/condorSBIN = $(RELEASE_DIR)/sbinLIBEXEC = $(RELEASE_DIR)/libexec/condorSHARE = $(RELEASE_DIR)/share/condorPROCD_ADDRESS = $(RUN)/procd_pipeJAVA_CLASSPATH_DEFAULT = $(SHARE) $(SHARE)/scimark2lib.jar .CONDOR_HOST = masterDAEMON_LIST = MASTER, STARTD